Did you know that Ergonomic Saddle chairs can help improve your health in the workplace?
If you said "NO" or "I am not sure" then you are in the right place - you might be interested in this.
The Problem
Professionals take unplanned time off work because of the impact of office schedules on their body system. Where repetitive tasks cause them to always be on their feet, bending or reaching out for something this tends to happen. As a result, a number of professionals suffer from chronic pains; a sign of stressful activities on the body. These work habits begin to cause poor circulation and soreness in the body. When the poor circulation in the body persists they suffer pain until the body system is weakened.
Comfort in the workplace should be of prime importance for every professional. This especially for those who are always in sitting or standing positions for long incessant hours. If you can achieve comfort in the workplace you are happier and can contribute positively. In an environment that is ergonomically centred, tough tasks become easy, there is less loss of work time and greater efficiency. For the busy entrepreneur, when you are able to provide comfort, your staff members are happy and they are at their optimum best all year round.
At Sit Healthier we help individuals to find ease and comfort as they carry out their busy schedules behind their desk.
Health, Wellness and Comfort is what happens when we come in.
Bad Workstation Equals Bad Health
Busy professionals are popular for sitting behind a screen and they inevitably spend most of their waking moments around the chair/table setting. From the Business Consultant to the Dentist, a workstation is an area that allows you to perform tasks with ease and comfort.
But when repetitive activities in the arm, shoulder, forearm and wrists are causing you to fatigue it means that your workstation is poorly designed.
So the question is; do you have to gulp down pain relief after every day's job?
If you said 'Yes', then there is a problem.
A bad work station can cost you: your work time, a low yield in business and unplanned sick leave.
Employees not delivering at their optimum best is the worst that can happen to any business. It can stress the efforts of others and chances are customers would be at the brunt of this.
But when you are comfortable at work, you can hit set targets as you go without experiencing uncalculated bumps on the way.
With the time saved and your personal health at its best, you can focus on your work and increase profits.
Health Is Wealth
Your boss or your clients are expecting optimum delivery all year round. However, this is not always the case. In fact many businesses lose their productivity, reputation and acquire costs every year due to unplanned sick leaves.
At times, business owners even have to struggle to pay the cost of such absence/sick leave. Still, these unnecessary costs can be saved.
At Sit healthier, we help you create a working environment where you are in control and at your best.
Reduce Labor Cost And Improve Staff Retention
Not every business can afford to have most of its staff or some of its best staff take sick leave. For those who can, sustaining such a business, in the long run, might pose an issue.
Designing work environments with ergonomic furniture’s in mind can help working professionals do more and save more. Ergonomic furniture are designed with practicality and ease to give you comfort and space without wearing you out. Ergonomic Saddle chairs are specially designed with adjustable height and seat depth levers, providing pain-free support to your height and weight.
Ergonomic Saddle Chairs helps to encourage healthy work habits and in turn a healthy lifestyle. It improves morale and allows people to put their best in their work without worry. An Ergonomic Saddle chair is an investment you need. Remember! Health is Wealth.
What We Do
We help individuals and Organizations design ideal workstations with their needs in mind. Here are some Ergonomic Saddle Chairs in our collection.
At Sit Healthier, all our chairs are designed with you and your needs in mind. With our experience helping people build efficient work stations let us help you model a pain-free lifestyle as you work.
Come Chat With Us
We have many ways of helping our clients in these times. Our drive to helping our clients achieve Health, Wellness and Comfort is front and centre.
Every Chair is designed for someone in mind. Come have a chat with us and find yours.
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