A lot of us have skills that put us in sedentary positions for long periods. So how can you stay fit and productive sitting on a desk? From the video editor to the tech engineer most people find themselves stuck behind a desk at constant periods of the day. Staying healthy while working at the office is possible. The effects of a poor sitting posture are oftentimes not reversible by exercises as is popular but can be corrected by practising good sitting habits. And you can take these few steps to change that.
Try to carry out some physical activity or movement:
It will take a lot of discipline to maintain a healthy lifestyle in a sedentary position. Ensure to take a walk every hour at least. This can help to maintain your Cardiac health.
A sedentary lifestyle can often cause stress, backaches, and aches all over the body. So try to carry out some physical activity while you can so your muscles don't get sore.
Eat fruit and Fibres regularly:
A healthy lifestyle is possible for you when you employ a good posture at every point and also eat healthily. When caught in a role that holds you in an immobile position you should work to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Also, take sufficient amounts of water while you work. This would help to reduce the build-up of toxins in the body.
Make healthy food choices that help aid digestion so you don't store up harmful fat in your body and clog your body system. When you consume heavy food quantities during lunch you tend to get tired and sleepy on your desk. This reduces your energy levels and lowers your productivity. You are soon forced to down a coffee to stay active which means added sugar in the body.
Hence, for food types like carbohydrates ensure your consumption is equal to the calories you burn.
Invest in your Ergonomics and Workstation:
Your best bet is to Invest in the work tools you have around you and in your ergonomics.
With Ergonomic Saddle Chairs you won't have to worry about sitting in a correct posture.
Ergonomic Saddle Chairs keep your spine relaxed and supported at all times. If you find that your legs are too short and not reaching the floor you can add a footrest to support your feet. Your forearms and hands should also be aligned with your keyboard while you work. Designed with adjustable armrests Ergonomic saddle chairs give your arm the needed support all day every day.
Use Ergonomic furniture that affords you space to sit correctly and give your arm the needed support.
Ergonomic Saddle chairs are designed with adjustable armrests to help you reduce stress on your arms.
Bite the dust and spend money on creating a sustainable working environment for you with Ergonomic Furniture. Doing this brings results and increases your productivity while you work.
Bonus Tip: Having a sedentary job doesn't always equal an unhealthy lifestyle as long as you are getting some amount of activity throughout the day. Added with this you should control your diet to match your amount of physical activity. Fixing your Ergonomics is also very important and having a good chair that matches your natural body is very essential.
Make sure you are treating your arms right, your back right and your shoulders right. When sitting in front of the computer if your arm is higher than your desk you might end up slouching. If your arm is lower than your desk you would be grazing your desk with your arms. With Ergonomic furniture, you can adjust your seat to match your work schedule anytime any day.
Since most desks are fixed in height Ergonomic furniture allows you to adjust your posture to suit your natural body.
Most Ergonomic Furniture is designed with adjustable armrests, seat depth, spring movement, reclining features, and more. Ergonomic Chairs are consciously designed with functionality keeping your movement supported at all times.
With the time saved and your health at its best, you can focus on your work and increase profits.
So what are you waiting for? Visit our collection to get your custom made Ergonomic chair.
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