Stabilize Using the Posture Medic
The Posture Medic helps stabilize your shoulders through muscle training. You maintain your full range of motion while wearing the device and it gently reminds you to correct to your posture whenever you relapse into incorrect postures such as slouching. It works to build “muscle memory” so that you unconsciously and naturally maintain correct posture without fatigue. The stabilizing exercises improve the strength in the small muscles of your upper body helping you stand and sit tall with your shoulders squared, chin up, chest out and stomach in. If standing, proper posture means that you can draw a straight line from your earlobe through your shoulder, hip, knee and down to the middle of your ankle. Those with recurring shoulder dislocation or trauma injuries to the shoulder girdle can especially benefit from the Posture Medic exercises.
Remember to Stretch before you stabilize your muscles.This will increase your range of motion and reduce pain, making stabilization more effective. Strengthening our neck and back muscles will help you maintain your posture for longer periods of time.
How to Put Posture Medic On:
How to take Posture Medic off:
Posture Medic Do:
- Do — view all videos and how-to pictures in our Instruction Manual.
- Do — begin by wearing only 15 minutes per day to assess your body’s imbalances.
- Do — begin by doing basic stretches 1x per day, for 5-15 seconds to assess tightness.
- Do — begin by doing basic exercises 1x per day, 15 repetitions to assess weakness.
- Do — use Posture Medic as a postural reminder.
- Do — basic exercises and stretches daily.
Posture Medic Don’t:
- Do NOT wear for longer then 30 minutes at a time.
- Do NOT continue to wear if you experience any tingling in your arms (immediately remove).
- Do NOT continue to wear if any pain or pinching arises (immediately remove).
- Do NOT count on Posture Medic to fix your posture just by wearing it, you must do the stretches and exercises to gain long term success.
- Do NOT use Posture Medic for ANY other purpose than is expressed in our Instruction Manual.
Now that you know how to stabilize your posture, don’t forget to do the Stretch and Strengthening Exercises. Train your muscles so that you can have proper posture all the time!